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Bennet Pomerantz has covered the Audio medium for the last 29 years. In his syndicated weekly newspaper column AUDIOWORLD and MOVIES OF YOUR MIND in Affaire De Couer Magazine. This is where he showcases his vast and diverse knowledge of this spoken word medium.

He also has his other weekly newspaper columns A PIECE OF THE PAGE where he reviews books, TO BE OR WHAT which is his OP-ED column where he deals on issues that are important to him. He also writes his monthly internet self-help column for writers, A PIECE OF MY MIND, which appears in the pages of Night Owl Reviews Magazine.

Known as a media critic, his work (fiction and nonfiction) has appeared in such publications as Audio life Magazine, The Paper, Audiobook, Mystery Scene Magazine, Power Star Magazine, Strange New Worlds, Gateways Magazine, Truckers USA, The Writing Life, Washington Entertainment Magazine, Quantum Collectors, The Jewish Week, The Sun Gazette, Ancient Heritage, Map of Austin Poetry, and Hot Corner Magazine. He also has been a top 1000 reviewer for, which he still review all media products.

In memory of his friends who died in the Pentagon and others who perished in the World Trade Center on that fateful day of tragedy-9/11/2001, He co-produced an audio collection from Americana Audio Publishers, entitled "Spirit of The American Voice”, which was released in late 2001.

In 2011, He was involved in the anthology Loving Hearts Live Forever (MJR LLC). He wrote passionately of the death of his beloved father and its aftermath of his death.

Bennet has been a judge for the Audio Publishers Associations, Audio Awards, NATF (National Audio Theatre Festival ) script writing awards, and the play judging for 2002 Minds Ear Play contest also. He is known for handing out Audioworld’s Golden Headsets annually for the best in Audio material in November.

He is also known for many appearances at Mystery & Science Fiction Conventions and many writers workshops across the country, as well as many appearances in major book stores, churches, libraries, youth groups & centers, and schools involving his positive motivational speaking. His passionate advocacy on the subject of censorship has always sparked people to action. "Books and education should NEVER be censored".

His non- profit group, The Write Stuff, brings writers and authors into schools (including colleges ) and youth groups expounding on the virtues of writing, reading and out of the box creative thinking.

From 2005-2009, he was a regular monthly feature co-host on the Diane Chapman "High Visibility” radio program on KUCI FM. Also he has been a regular media guest on Danny Queens television show " Call Me Poetry " from Bowie State University Television and a media correspondent for the syndicated MCN Media Forum... Currently, within the past year (2011-2012), he co-hosts The Ashley Fountainne show, his own show ANYTHING GOES and does various radio shows with Marsha Casper Cook and V.S. Grenier on Blog Talk radio.

To quote him, “I hate being under-employed…so I’ve got to keep working, so one day, HOPEFULLY, one day, I will get it right!”.

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